Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. 8 No. 0 International License. Tahapan Revitalisasi Bahasa Daerah di Provinsi Maluku yang sudah masuk pada tahap FTBI ini diselenggarakan di Lapangan Yos Sudarso, Dobo. Musik ini merupakan musik khas warga yang tinggal di wilayah mayoritas Kristen. WebThe diversity of calendar characters in the Indonesian Muslim community is very close to the entry of Islam to the archipelago. Miles, Matthew B dan Huberman, A. Similar Articles Abdul Karim Tawaulu, ANALISIS NILAI BUDAYA LEGENDA WAE SUSU MUJUALU DI NEGERI TEHUA [Analysis of Cultural Values Legend Wae Susu Mujualu in the Country Tehua] , TOTOBUANG:. Cerita Rakyat Jawa Tengah Tujuh Bidadari dari Kayangan dengan The Swan Maidens dari London, Analisis Unsur Intrinsik Sastra Bandingan. Verhaar, J. The results show that the riddle games have the. Aprilliani, s. iye, r. Jakarta : Kencana Prenada Media Group. Kartini : Emansipator Indonesia Awal Abad 20. (2011). Cresswell, John W. (2016). Similar Articles yulfi zawarnis, ANALISIS STRUKTUR KAMUS DWIBAHASA LAMPUNG—INDONESIA [Structural Analysis of The Lampung—Indonesian Bilingual Dictionary] , TOTOBUANG: Vol. 0 International License. Praktik kejahatan tersebut sudah lama terjadi dan selalu mengalami perkembangan. Susiati, S. 2017. 6 No. The aims of this research were (1) addressing types of strategies used by the Americans and Buginese to respond the compliments based on gender; and (2) disclosing the effect of complimentary responses. 11 No. Naskah yang dikirim ke redaksi Jurnal Totobuang harus memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan sebagai berikut. Religiusitas Dalam Novel Saman Karya Ayu Utami Dan Kembang-kembang Petingan Karya Holisoh M. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan pola suku kata bahasa Lisabata, dialek Lisabata Timur. WebCampur Kode da Alih Kode Siwa SMA Negeri 1 sepatuh Agung. Masniati, A. 1999. Jurnal Dinamika Pemerintahan, 9(3), hlm. Leech, Geoffrey. Totobuang merupakan alat musik yang terbuat dari kuningan dan dapat dimainkan dengan cara dipukul. ,m. 2. Nilai Pendidikan Karakter yang Tercermin dalam Syair Sultan Syarif. WebAnalisis Kesalahan Berbahasa pada Penulisan Media Luar Ruang di Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, hal 1—10. Novel Ayah sebagai sumber data penelitian dan kutipan teks berbentuk narasi yang mengandung nilai pendidikan sebagai data. Vol 5, No 2. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Susiati, S. 2. It’sbecause the villages in Aru’s island has been separated by the sea and difficult to be. Gong dalam alat musik ini berjumlah antara 12-14 buah yang disusun dalam tangga nada diatonik dan terdapat empat buah tifa. Winata, Triana N. Khairen based on the theory of Mieke Bal narratology. Templates . Jurnal Artikulasi, 6(2). This research was classified as Classroom Action Research. Djakarta: Pustaka Rakyat. This research purpose. e. Return to Article Details POLA SUKU KATA BAHASA LISABATA [Lisabata Syllabe Pattern Language] Download. Totobuang, Vol. 2010. iye, r. Ekokritik (Ecocriticism) Sebagai Disiplin Ilmu Barfu dalam Studi sastra Indonesia. Volume 12, Nomor 1, Juni 2015: 87-104. Jurnal Totobuang. Analisis Data Kualitatif. (2012). Chaer, Abdul. Jurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Karawang Vol 3. Current Acreditation. The data were taken from the short story "Rembulan di Mata Ibu" by Asma Nadia in 2002. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Sejarah bahasa Indonesia. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Visitor. 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Jan 18, 2020 · Discover the world's research {common_numbermembers} members {common_numberpublications} publication pages {common_numbercitations} citations Join for free Jun 29, 2021 · Home / Archives / Vol. Bahtera Sastra: Antologi Bahasa dan Sastra, No. S. 0 International License. This study aims to describe the form of speech errors of the candidates for Regional Head of Kulon Progo Regency. Perdebatan Sastra Kontekstual. The Analysis of Ellipsis in the Novel the Short Second Life of Bree Jurnal Totobuang, 6(2). Oct 25, 2023 · The results showed that there are three dominant characteristics of women's language in Capciptop short film, namely (1) intensifier (women often use intensifying words in their speech); (2. WebThis paper was the result of a qualitative research used sociology of literature approach. Jurnal ini juga dihadirkan untuk mendukung pengembangan akademika di Jurusan Bahasa dan sastra Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, 8(1), 37-45. Google Citations. 2 No. Totobuang sering digunakan dalam berbagai ritual agama dan tradisional maupun hiburan bagi masyarakat Ambon. WebJurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. Google Scholar Garuda Website Editor. Downloads PDF Published 2023-09-01. hal. Jurnal Totobuang is licensed under a Creative. 5, No. 1 (2022): totobuang, edisi juni 2022 / articles an expressive speaking actions in pontianak dialc malay in short films on kamil onte official youtube channel tindak tutur ekspresif bahasa melayu dialek pontianak dalam film pendek pada channel youtube kamil onte officialWebTotobuang, Vol. DIGLOSIA: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya has been accredited Sinta 3 by the Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia (85/M/KPT/2020) valid from Vol. The method was descriptive. Dari sana, mereka menciptakan sebuah alat musik yang terbuat dari bambu yang. WebJurnal Gramatika: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia & (), well-known as GRAMATIKA, an international forum of excellence in language and literature research, is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and academic brilliance. Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru adalah kabupaten pertama yang melaksanakan FTBI. Struktur Organisasi. 2 (2020): TOTOBUANG, EDISI DESEMBER 2020 / Articles RELASI HUBUNGAN KEKERABATAN BAHASA AMBAI, ANSUS, DAN SERUI LAUT DI KEPULAUAN YAPEN [Relationship of Religion Relationship Ambai, Ansus, and Serui Laut Languages in Yapen Islands]. Web4. 2009. 1 (2022): TOTOBUANG, Edisi Juni 2022. 1 Agustus 2014. 2 (2022): TOTOBUANG, Edisi Desember 2022 / Articles Proses Fonologis pada Tuturan Bahasa Indonesia oleh Idol Penutur Korea dalam Variety Show “Halo82: NCT Dream” Phonological Process of Indonesian Speech by Native Korean Idols on the Variety Show “Halo82: NCT Dream”Journal History; Contact Us; Accreditation . In collecting the data, it used some techniques, such as: (1) observation, (2) interview, (3). Jumlah tersebut terdiri atas 1,26 juta jiwa laki-laki dan 1,24 juta perempuan. Similar Articles. Totobuang is published twice a year, on June and December. The verse. 5496. (1991). Visitor. Alisjahbana, Sutan Takdir. (2019). sakila sakila, METODE RESITASI (PENUGASAN) DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MENEMUKAN GAGASAN DARI ARTIKEL DAN BUKU MELALUI MEMBACA EKSTENSIF [Recitation. The scopes of this research are Indonesian language and literature teaching, either as the first, second, or foreign language. Jurnal Diglosia, Vol. 10 no. History Accreditation. KANTOR BAHASA MALUKU P-ISSN : 23391154 E-ISSN : 25976184 . Pada Sumpah Pemuda yang diikrarkan di tanggal 28 Oktober 1928, bahasa. Aug 19, 2022 · Fitriani. Jurnal Sastra Indonesia (JSI), 3 (1) Heryanto, Ariel. Palangkaraya: Balai Bahasa Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Yusdianti. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret. 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Vol. This study aims to increase motivation, interest, and learning outcomes of participants in Indonesian subjects about antonyms by using the. Data are words,. Analisis Nilai Budaya Dalam Cerita Rakyat Maluku Air Tukang 2. This study aimed to describe the cognate words based on the determined criterion of relative word and determine the percentage of kinship towords Hitu, Wakal, Morela, Mamala, and Hila language. 10 No. Alwi, Hasan dkk. Totobuang is a journal that publish results of research or conceptual idea in linguistics and literary studies, also aspects of teaching. (2013). 10 No. WebTotobuang, Vol. The. Palu: Universitas Tadulako. WebThis study is a lexicostatistical study that aims to classify words that are related statistically to classify similarities. 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