Catatan: a. Pemeliharaan Penerbitan Kartu SAM dan Pemanfaatan Card Reader spse 4. 3. Jasa Konsultansi Perorangan Manager Kerjasama Riset dan Kolaborasi spse 4. Persyaratan dan Ketentuan. News test. Satuan Kerja. SPSE terus mengalami penyempurnaan agar semakin mudah. ADP Online INAPROC Online SIKaP Online SiRUP Online JaIM Online PPSDM Online Update terakhir 09-12-2023 15:31, setiap 5 menit. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Login. 5 Seleksi Seleksi Ulang. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. March 22, 2021 10:01. © Hak Cipta LKPP 2023SPSE ESP Ministry of Public Works and Housing. Password. SPSE ICB. 702,85 : 12 Desember 2023 12:00: Jasa Lainnya 1: 1: Pengadaan transportasi penerjunan dan penarikan KKN Tim I Tahun Akademik 2023/2024 Universitas Diponegoro spse 4. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat mempunyai tugas menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang pekerjaan umum dan perumahan rakyat untuk membantu Presiden dalam menyelenggarakan pemerintahan negara. * Vendors who are already registered in local LPSE must do a new registration for the Accelerating Infrastructure Delivery Through Better Engineering Services Project (ICB) of Ministry of Public Works and Housing. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Jasa Tenaga Keamanan BNPB - demo ADB 081023. Jasa Konsultansi Perorangan Non Konstruksi 5. Rp. Name of Project: The Development of Trans South-South Java Road Project, Phase II. SPSE ICB. Dec 10, 2023 · We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Application letter for change email with Company Letterhead and stamped 10000 signed by the Director/Director. Dec 8, 2023 · We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. User ID. 4. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 5 Pengadaan Langsung: Rp. 5 - Pejabat Pengadaan (Januari 2022) 8 Februari 2022 08:59. 5 Tender. 714. User ID. Request Expression Of Interest Selection of Consulting Services for District Implementation Team (DIT) Sumatera Region for Horticulture Development in Dryland Area ProjectWe encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. JUNIOR REGIONAL PLANNING EXPERT FOR NATIONAL URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (NUDS) May 29, 2023 14:35. 500. Login. For selection of consultant services through QCBS method, only the modified SPSE (termed by LKPP as SPSE-“ICB”) may be used applying the Bank’s standard Request for Proposal document. Dalam hal Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (SPSE) dan sistem pendukungnya belum dapat digunakan, Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Internasional yang menggunakan APBN/APBD termasuk yang pendanaannya bersumber dari Pinjaman Luar Negeri/Hibah Luar Negeri dilakukan secara manual (nonelektronik). PPID LKPP Gedung Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah Lt. 5. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 406. Password. 00 WIB. Undangan Rapat Kerja Nasional LPSE 2016. MEMULAI APLIKASI 2. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. User PPK yang digunakan login ke SI UKPBJ adalah user PPK yang sama dengan yang ada di SPSE. Procurement Product RUP LPSE Blacklist Download menu. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 5 Pengadaan Langsung: Rp. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Epicentrum Tengah Lot 11 B, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta - 12940 Tel: (021) 299 12 450 ext. 717. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 508. :. 3 Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Akun KPA dan PPK. SPSE ICB. Contract Award Information. FAQ Pokja Pemilihan di SPSE 4. Dec 12, 2023 · SPSE ICB LKPP. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 958. SPSE ESP Ministry of Public Works and Housing. Login as Vendor. © 2006-2023 Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah () ; Data Not FoundMay 3, 2021 13:41. July 5, 2021 16:00 SPSE ICB server maintenance: November 30, 2020 11:54 Notification of SPSE ICB Technical Problems: November 6, 2020 11:34 INVITATION FOR BIDS INDONESIA DAM OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENT AND. LPSE Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat - Struktur Organisasi. 000,00. Login as Vendor. Panel Information. ATS Perangkat Key Management System (KMS) Blangko KTP el dan SAM spse 4. . Peraturan Presiden Nomor 16 Tahun 2018 tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (Lembaran Negara. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. User ID. No. 2. 30 November. User ID. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Visitors Total: 39. Login. 5 sudah resmi dirilis pada 28 Oktober lalu, dimana aplikasi SPSE V4. 5 Tender. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Login. 4. Susun Model Dokumen Pemilihan, LKPP Pastikan Pelaku PBJ Punya Payung Hukum yang Tepat. 760. 5 Pelaku Usaha - Non Tender (Januari 2022) 8 Februari 2022 09:02. 607,82. go. 0944 Whatsapp : +62 813-1110-2890 LPSE Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat - Daftar Pengumuman. 000,00. Procurement Product RUP LPSE Blacklist Download menu. Login. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. SPSE ICB. 5 Pejabat Pengadaan (September 2023) Uploaded at 6 Sep 08:30. SPSE ICB LKPP. Dec 3, 2023 · 3 Hal yang Perlu Diketahui Sebelum Update SPSE v4. 2. jdih. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Contact. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. 000,00: 1 Oktober 2023 21:00: 3: Pembangunan Box Culvert spse 4. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Use of National e-Procurement System (SPSE): Unless informed otherwise by the Bank in writing, SPSE e-procurement system may be used only for. Dec 9, 2023 · Pemerintah menetapkan aplikasi Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (SPSE) yang dikembangkan oleh Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) sebagai Aplikasi Umum Bidang Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah (PBJP). Password. tryLPSE organize electronic government procurement system. 13 Desember 2023 16:00. User Guide. SPSE ICB LKPP. Contact. 082. Contract Title: Civil Works for Lot 2: Bululawang – Sidomulyo – Tambakrejo, Province of East Java. 27 November 2023. 86. **User ID will be used for login to this website, please use the name that easily to remember. User Guide SPSE v4. SPSE ICB. Login. Mengirimkan scan dokumen asli tersebut (butir 1) yang akan diverifikasi dalam format . test 1234We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 660. For SPSE ICB, encryption of submissions was managed internally within the application and all submissions were stored in the database in an encrypted format. 144. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Dec 5, 2023 · Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dengan semangat efisiensi nasional sehingga tidak memerlukan biaya lisensi, baik lisensi Aplikasi SPSE itu sendiri maupun perangkat lunak pendukungnya. 5 Pokja Pemilihan - Tender Non Konstruksi (November 2023) Uploaded at 29 Nov 10:17 Download 15 MB User Guide. SPSE ICB Ministry of Religious Affairs. 277,00. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your [email protected] encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Pengadaan Jasa Konseling dalam rangka Pembinaan Pegawai di Lingkungan Sekretariat Kabinet Tahun 2024 spse 4. For more informations please contact us. Kontak. LKPP and its affiliates have rights to do any action necessary about any unable-to-decrypt-files using APENDO or any corrupted files that cannot be opened by ULP. LKPP Resmi Keluarkan Format Standar Dokumen Pengadaan Terbaru. SPSE ICB. User ID. 2. Login. User ID. Login as Vendor. 5 Tender: Rp. 2. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. id (khusus layanan registrasi dan verifikasi Penyedia Barang/Jasa LPSE) WA Center: 0811 - 9132 - 080 / 0815 - 1000 - 0158. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. Tahun Anggaran. Layanan Darurat LPSE KKP. We encourage you to always use the latest version of your browser. 5u20231206; Agregasi SIKaP: Aktif ID LPSE: 683. Lisensi JIRA - Test konstruksi 2 envelopes 231023. Non Vendor Login/Government Authority. 959. id: 1. 1. Jika Anda lupa User ID dan/atau Email yang Anda gunakan, Anda harus menghubungi petugas di LPSE. User ID. User ID. modified SPSE (termed by LKPP as SPSE-“ICB”) may be used applying the Bank’s standard Request for Proposal document. Attachment: BAHP. SPSE ICB. Email : helpdesk. SPSE ICB. 20 Desember 2023 15:00. 12 tahun 2021 tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah, serta turunannya. SPSE ICB LKPP. pdf ke alamat email registrasi. If there is a problem when displaying the page, please use other browser. Find News. 1. 5 Pengadaan Langsung: Rp.